Cumberland Amateur Radio Club
Ham Radio — Connecting Friends, Communities and the World
- Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Eastern time zone unless a different format is explicitly stated. We typically provide UTC Date and Time information in the text body of the event.
- We strive to share complete and accurate information with you.
Please e-Mail any Add/Change/Delete requests to:
License Exam – Cross Keys Village – November
November 16 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am EST
Cross Keys Village Amateur Radio Club — W3CKV
In conjunction with
Adams County Amateur Radio Society — W3KGN
License Exams are offered on the Third Saturday of Odd Numbered months.
License Exams are conducted in the Harmony Ridge Community Center, Encore Room
Pre-Registration and an FCC FRN are required prior to the day of the event.
Pre-Registration Online Form can be found at: Look for “VE Examinations” in the left-side menu bar.
This exam will be conducted under the authority of the Laurel Volunteer Exam Coordinator.
Laurel VEC does not charge a fee for administering license exams.
Note: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has a $35 fee which must be paid before a new license or renewal is issued.