Notes from the Shack…

This is where we post timely news and other information targeted to the active ham radio operator.
They were named Notes from the Shack, filtered, and placed here to make them more readily accessible to the target audience.

Anyone is welcome to read these postings.  

Please enjoy.


*** Reading Radio Club Special Event ***

Thank you for helping us celebrate the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Reading Railroad. There is a brief history of its early years as part of the certificate. The Reading Radio Club operated two ...
/ Notes From The Shack, Special Event

*** CARC Celebrates the National Railway Historical Society ***

On Saturday August 24, 2024, ten Cumberland Amateur Club members (Andrew AF3I, Rob KC2FLY, Frank KB3PQT, Doug KC3CPT, Richard N3EPY, Steve N3FWE, Bill N3GTY, Charlene WG3Q, John WA3KCP, and Darrel WB3FNJ) operated a Special Event station ...
/ Notes From The Shack

** Special Event Station K3IEC **

On Saturday September 21, 2024 between 0000 and 2359 UTC, listen for K3IEC on-the-air! Club members will be operating a special event station on various bands and modes to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the club ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Derby Day 2024 with CARC

* * A POTAstic Day! * * On Saturday May 4, 2024 CARC members and friends met at Pine Grove Furnace State Park for Derby Day. Or as one local radio station morning show (Red 102.3) ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Pennsylvania QSO Party Results

* * PENNSYLVANIA QSO PARTY preliminary results are in * * We did not operate our traditional Portable Multi-Transmitter / Multi-Operation station K3IEC due to the weather forecast calling for rain, cold temperatures, and high winds ...
/ Notes From The Shack

** In Memoriam ** Thelma – Radio Dog **

** In Memoriam Thelma - Radio Dog ** We received the sad news that Thelma - Radio Dog passed away. Thelma was a trained service dog for club members Mark Anstine, KC3UVG and Paula Anstine, KC3UVH ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Morse Code Challenge

** FAMOUS HISTORICAL PHRASES RENDERED IN MORSE CODE ** Club President, Frank Mellott KB3PQT, offers a challenge to viewers of this blog page. Frank gathered several well-known phrases from history and applied the corresponding dots and ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Amateur Radio License Stats

** So how many active hams are there? ** Curious Newcomer (CN) and Experienced Elmer (EE) both started interesting threads. One asked for people to tell what they do on the air, and the other ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Radio License Counts and Percentage

** Radio musings ** When I have too much time on my hands I enjoy crunching numbers. We had some cold, wet weather recently. I stayed indoors. That was my invitation to curl up with a ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Call Sign Memory Aide

** Call Signs ** I have seen some nifty call signs lately. The call signs mentioned below are all active. Some people are fascinated by license plates and try to make clever sayings from state issued ...
/ Humor, Notes From The Shack

FLrig Software.

Software can make radio more fun ! When I read that headline my first reaction was --- "What? Software can make radio more fun?" YES, it is true. Even a fairly modern ham radio can benefit ...

Keep Calm and Use Your Ham Radio

As wars and rumors of wars flood the media, sometimes you just need to step away. Go to the shack... Turn the transceiver on and do what you enjoy doing: whether you choose to hunt down ...
/ Notes From The Shack

And now for something completely different…

Passing the Torch After fifteen years of leading the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club to new achievements including the highest membership headcount ever, Andrew Forsyth, AF3I decided to listen to his wife and not run again for ...
/ News, Notes From The Shack

DMR Contesting

Notes from the shack... DMR contesting Contesting has been a part of the great wide world of amateur radio since at least 1928 in the US. Typically contests involve spending hours in the shack on the ...

Keep it simple. Mastering the Two-Meter Analog HT

Notes From The Shack... I have come to the realization that while for most new amateur radio operators, the first radio is a HT. That is great, but too many are encouraged or choose to get ...
/ How-To, Notes From The Shack

Logging Question

Logging Question... From our friends on the N3FJP site. The resounding answer, from multiple people was NO! You worked it, you logged it. You may never get a QSL card, but you made the QSO ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Sandpatch Mountain and Railroad Tunnel

Why Play Radio... For many years, I was a member of the Yahoo Groups Sandpatch List. Sandpatch, named for Sandpatch Mountain and tunnel, is where the Baltimore & Ohio, now CSX, crosses the Alleghenies. It was ...

Why Play Radio?

Why Play Radio... For about 50 years or so, rail fans have used radio scanners to listen to the railroad frequencies in the land mobile FM portion of the 137-174 MHz band. The railroad frequencies are ...

Portable On The Porch

Notes From The Shack... Sometimes you just have to go play outside. But there is life... so what do you do? Operate portable from the porch? Or, get a good look this crowded setup... Yeah, this ...
/ Notes From The Shack

I took a Vacation from the 80 Meter Band

Fun with N3FJP software – An Update! A few months ago, I shared some data that I had extracted from my N3FJP Amateur Call Log. At that time about 41% of my lifetime QSOs were on ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Digital Landscape

• Do you have an interest in DMR radios? • Perhaps you are hesitant to wade into digital radio communications because it seems as if there are so many different “standards”. • D-STAR, WIRES, FUSION, C4FM ...

Radio Frequency Exposure Rules

Notes from the shack... From the ARRL Newsletter Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3, 2021 The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order (R&O) governing ...

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)

Amateur radio on the international space station 20th Anniversary Celebration SSTV Image reception from space is within your reach ! The 20th anniversary of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station event is going on through ...
/ Notes From The Shack, Special Event

Learning Is Always Good !

Learning new stuff is always good! My dad’s cousin is 86. She was a math teacher and has been interested in computers since the late 1970s. She studied and earned her amateur radio license around the ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Take a Break. Play Radio Outdoors.

Take a break from radio... ...or play radio outdoors ! Amateur radio is a fun hobby! It is amazing to receive a Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) image from the International Space Station, or realize the FT8 digital ...
/ Notes From The Shack

N3FJP Software Fun

Part of the Notes From The Shack... series. Scott Davis, N3FJP and his fine team at Affirmatech have created a constellation of software logging packages. His AC Call Log is one of the more popular software ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Eight year old enjoys Ham Radio

Not just for grown-ups! Faye KN4WDF recently was the Virginia Fone Net Net Control Station and reported that she had talked to a newly licensed ham on another net she runs. The new ham is an ...
/ Notes From The Shack

A Few of Frank’s Favorite Gadgets

Favorite Ham Radio Gadgets Frank shares with us some thoughts about his favorite gadgets. These are not going to change the world, but they just might brighten your day. Complete with photographs. Link to content: How ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Field Day Tips

Field Day, Contesting and Random Operating Thoughts After Field Day 2020 was in the books a group of us from the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club K3IEC Field Day crew discussed what worked, what didn’t work, and ...
/ Notes From The Shack

FT8 Addiction?

FT8 addiction? With some help from our friends at FT8 is one of the many digital modes in the WSJT-X software suite from Joe Taylor, K1JT and his team of collaborators. The basic software covers ...

Are You an Active Ham

Are you an active ham? Good day! The United States leads the world in having the greatest number of licensed amateur radio operators. There are about 763,000 among all US License Classes. About 8,000 of those ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Memory Aids for Call Signs

Memory Aids for Ham Radio Call Signs What on earth is this doing here? It will make sense after you read the story. Some people find memorizing things is easier if they associate it with something ...
/ Notes From The Shack

Share The Airwaves

Share The Airwaves It's OK to just want to play radio! This weekend, as I was watching an email thread unravel on a ham radio reflector, I was reminded of one of my nephews. He was ...
/ Notes From The Shack

WSJT-X and JTAlert — Guest Author: N6DBF

So, what's this all about? A female voice is saying "Calling You" and then a male voice says "Wanted DX". While in the background, the Stereo is playing some of that good old time rock and ...
/ Digital Mode, Humor, Notes From The Shack