Cumberland Amateur Radio Club
- Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Eastern time zone unless a different format is explicitly stated. We typically provide UTC Date and Time information in the text body of the event.
- We strive to share complete and accurate information with you.
Please e-Mail any Add/Change/Delete requests to:

License Exam – Cross Keys Village – September
September 20 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am EDT
Cross Keys Village Amateur Radio Club — W3CKV
In conjunction with
Adams County Amateur Radio Society — W3KGN
License Exams are offered on the Third Saturday of Odd Numbered months.
License Exams are conducted in the Harmony Ridge Community Center, Encore Room
2990 Carlisle Pike, New Oxford, PA 17350
Pre-Registration and an FCC FRN are required prior to the day of the event.
Pre-Registration Online Form can be found at: Look for “VE Examinations” in the left-side menu bar.
Contact Person: Perry Wood eMail:
This exam will be conducted under the authority of the Laurel Volunteer Exam Coordinator.
Laurel VEC does not charge a testing fee for administering license exams.
Note: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has a $35 fee which must be paid before a new license or renewal is issued.