HOLIDAY GATHERING 2025: Sunday December TBD, 2025 TBD 11:00 a.m.
Our annual Holiday Gathering (formerly described as our Holiday Brunch) will take place at TBD T J Rockwell’s, 896 W, Grantham Road, Mechanicsburg, PA .
Seating is at TBD 11 a.m. Please arrive a few minutes beforehand so that we can be seated together at the same time.
Topic 1
Someone from CARC is going to ask if you will be attending. We would love to have you join us. If you need to coordinate calendars with a significant-other, now is the time to begin your planning and calendar blocking. When you are asked, please tell us that you will be attending and provide names of those in your party, or tell us your regrets.
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
It is good to have a person in charge of planning the event. Please volunteer. Many hands make light work. Ask for help. There are a small number of activities that had been part of our Holiday Brunch in the pre-COVID days.
The simplest option: We need to select a restaurant and the date. We need to give the restaurant an estimated head-count when making the reservation and an accurate head-count several days prior to the actual event.
Raising the bar one notch: It is nice to greet our guests as they arrive. Introductions are appropriate so that everyone feels comfortable with their tablemates — no one wants to be called “Hey, You”.
Raising the bar one more notch: In prior years we had a door prize raffle with seasonal gifts such as candy, cookies, and wine. Goodie Bags containing small treats can be optional — almost like a Christmas Stocking.
And, something that we have let pass by the wayside due to cost and effort: When I first joined the club I was impressed with the tradition of each lady receiving a commemorative silver dollar coin presented by Colonel Halliday. Your Editor’s wife, Jeri Forsyth, ran with a version of this concept to create a new tradition. She worked with QVC during the summer months to acquire enough gifts to cover just about any number of lady-guests. Then, in the Fall, she and I emptied the Dollar Store of their gift bags, tissue paper, cellophane tape, ribbons, and bows. On the morning of the brunch we packed our sleigh and drove to the event venue where we set up goodies galore.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday December 17, 2025
CARC has reserved this date for the possibility of holding a December non-meeting to take the place of our usual in-person meeting.
This meeting will be completely informal. Other than the few, brief topics mentioned below, there will be no meeting agenda, no reports, and no business will be conducted. Simply general conversation among the attendees.
In-Person Meeting Information
There will be no In-Person component for this meeting. This is a ZOOM ONLY meeting.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
If we offer a Zoom Web Meeting the details will be circulated about the time of the November Meeting
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Web Administrator Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Imagine Andy Williams singing Happy Holiday as you read the Topic 1 through Topic 6 lyrics shown below.
Topic 1
It’s The Holiday Season
Topic 2
So Hoop-De-Do
Topic 3
And Dickery-Dock
Topic 4
Don’t Forget To Hang Up Your Sock
Topic 5
While The Merry Bells Keep Ringing
Topic 6
Happy Holiday To You
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday November 19, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The November 19, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Election of Officers for 2026
Tonight is the long awaited night. Cast your ballot for the officers who will lead your club in 2024.
Typically, all candidates are running unopposed and will be declared elected by acclamation.
President — TBD, Vice-President — TBD, Treasurer — TBD, Secretary — TBD, Membership Secretary — TBD, and Club License Trustee — Dave Smith W3SOX.
Topic 2
Pats on the Back for all who helped.
We have some pats on the back to share. The first is for those who helped at the Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade. Thank you. The second is for those who made QSOs in the Pennsylvania QSO Party. Thank you. Next, a pat on the back for those members who volunteered to serve their club as an Officer in 2023. Thank you.
Topic 3
Meeting and Event Calendar 2026
I have the CARC Meeting and Event Calendar made up for 2026 and will freely share a printed copy with anyone who would like one. Those little purple squares mark the dates of our club meetings. I might have something additional to share with you along this same line of thought. No peeking!
Topic 4
This is the First Reminder of Annual Membership Renewal and Dues Payment.
Membership Secretary Richard Johnson, N3EPY might be on-hand to receive your Membership Renewal and Dues Payment for 2026. Pay now and avoid the January rush. Dues are payable as January 1 and become past-due as of March 31.
Topic 5
Recap of the Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade Event
The calendar for October 2023 placed our CARC Meeting ahead of the Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade. I had to shift this parade recap to the November Meeting Topics. You might ask — Why did you leave a Meeting Topic on the October calendar. Some years our meeting date falls before the parade. Some years our meeting date falls after the parade. When you are as old as I am you will realize how challenging it can be to keep track of what goes where.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday October 15, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The October 15, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Candidates for Club Office Listing
Tonight is the deadline for submitting the list of candidates. Election of Officers for 2026 will take place as part of the November 19, 2025 meeting. Nominations are open until the end of our October 15, 2025 meeting, at which time the slate of candidates will be published.
Topic 2
Lights, Camera, Action
We have a movie to show tonight. I don’t know the first thing about what Frank Mellott KB3PQT has selected as tonight’s theme. Attend and you will see.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Recap of the Annual Farmers Fair Parade Event
The Farmers Fair Parade takes place the third Saturday of October each year. In 2023 this date occurs AFTER our October 18, 2023 meeting. I will post a fallback Meeting Topic as part of the November 15, 2023 meeting. A whole bunch of high-spirited and community-minded CARC Members provided communication support to the Farmers Fair staff. We will go to Harry Fasick, K3EYL for a recap of the event.
Topic 5
Recap of the Pennsylvania QSO Party Event
Activities abound. Let’s ask Frank Mellott to describe our results in the PA QSO Party which takes place/took place Saturday October 14 and 15, 2023. CARC typically sets up a Portable Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter Low Power operation in York County, PA and operates as K3IEC.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday September 17, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The September 17, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
POTA — Parks On The Air.
We have a group of Activators and Chasers who regularly set up their operations in parks and who are making plans for the next event. Come hear what they have to say.
Topic 2
Solicit Nominations and Expressions of Interest for Elected Offices 2026.
Our Constitution and By-Laws calls upon us to present a Slate of Candidates for Office 2024 by the end of our October Meeting. If we start that process now, as part of the September Meeting, we should be in good shape to fulfill the requirement. We need nominations for the Elected Club Offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. In addition, we welcome Volunteers who wish to serve their club as Membership Secretary to step forward and be recognized.
Topic 3
Last Chance Planning for PA QSO Party — Saturday October xx, 2025
Who, What, Where, When, Why? Frank Mellott KB3PQT has been our PAQP Go-To Person. Frank and his father will be tied up with some antique farm equipment business. Frank sometimes wishes that other people would step forward and volunteer. Fortunately, we have Mark and Paula Anstine who are making plans for CARC PAQP to take place at Ponderosa Park in Franklin Township.
Topic 4
Last Chance Planning for Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade Saturday October xx, 2025
Who, What, Where, When, Why? Harry Fasick, K3EYL and Valli Hoski, N8QVT are the key contacts in our club. If you would like to volunteer to help provide communications support to the Parade Chairperson and the Parade Marshals please contact Harry and make yourself known. We meet about 4 p.m. at the Dillsburg Authority Building Parking Lot on West Church Street. If we know you plan to attend we will see that you receive identification credentials and an official Perimeter Pass for access.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday August 20, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The August 20, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Thoughts and Planning for Holiday Brunch
Once upon a time this annual event was fabulously popular. Popularity has dwindled. Some of this may be due to the demise of the Navy Base Officer’s Club as our venue. Do we have one or more gung-ho persons who can revive the spirit of the holiday?
Topic 2
Planning for POTA — Parks On The Air
Those who participate in POTA seem to enjoy the activity and have a good time.
Topic 3
Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade Volunteers Sought
What if our Radio Club worked the same way as the public schools? What if we begged each member to provide 8 hours of community service to fulfill his or her graduation requirement. Could you come to the Dillsburg Farmers Fair on Saturday Evening, October 21, 2023 and join your fellow-members in providing communications support to the Parade Committee?
Topic 4
Pennsylvania QSO Party Planning
Each year during the second full weekend of October the entire ham radio world turns toward Pennsylvania and says — I want to make make two-way radio QSOs with each of you Pennsylvania men and women on as many bands and modes as possible. Members of the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club often have fun providing those two-way radio contacts to our on-the-air buddies. Many times we are well-organized. Let’s put on our Big Boy and Big Girl boots and do some planning.
Topic 5
Field Day 2026 Planning
We have a Continual Improvement document that will serve as a starting point for what we would like to accomplish in 2026.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday July 16, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The July 16, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 2
Field Day Results
As of this date we should have tabulated our results and submitted our entries to ARRL. Let’s see how it all adds up.
Topic 3
Pennsylvania QSO Party Planning
October is just around the corner. Begin planning now or be left in the dust.
Topic 4
Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade
October is just around the corner. Is there an echo in here?
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday June 18, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The June 18, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Final Preparations for Field Day 2025
Field Day 2023 takes place the fourth full weekend of June, every year. That will be June 24 and 25, 2023. If you will be operating from home we will have some topics for you to consider. Likewise, for CARC Members who will be operating a Class A Club or Group Portable Field Day station let’s be sure everyone is on the same wavelength with their plans.
Topic 2
Final Preparations for Field Day 2025
I wrote the headline twice because it is SO IMPORTANT to be well-prepared. We want to know who will be attending the Field Day Portable Operation. Why? Because we feed the people who will be on-site at lunchtime. If you tell us your plans you can eat with us. If you show up unexpectedly all we can offer you is the wafting aroma of hot dogs and hamburgers. Yum!
Topic 3
Final Preparations for Field Day 2025
I wrote the headline a third time because it is SO IMPORTANT to be well-prepared. Do you sense a theme developing here? Frank Mellott probably has a few words he can say on this topic.
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday May 21, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The May 21, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Field Day Topics
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 2
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday April 16, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The April 16, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
CARC Derby — Preliminary Information
Saturday May 3, 2025 at Ponderosa Park in Dillsburg/Franklintown. The same day as the Kentucky Derby at Churchhill Downs. This weekend is chock full of ham radio activity including the 7th Call Sign Area QSO Party, Indiana QSO Party, Delaware QSO Party, and the New England QSO Party.
Topic 2
Field Day 2025
When we hold our April meeting we have barely two months lead time to make our Field Day plans. Please come to the meeting prepared to talk about your personal plans. Between now and then I hope to get some input regarding any plans for a CARC Class A Club or Group Portable operation.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Operations Guru — Active Search Underway December 2024
Another blank. Volunteers are encouraged to step forward. You can make this job anything you want it to be. You can choose your own job title. If you want to be known as the Grand Poobah it will be done. You can choose the scope of your authority. You can be just like a rock star and demand that a dish of specific color M&Ms be present in your dressing room at all times.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday March 19, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The March 19, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 2
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 3
Membership Renewal for 2025
March is a good time to see what level of interest exists among our membership. Did we achieve a good rate of renewal? Can we encourage those who might have delayed their renewal to come forth?
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday February 19, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The February 19, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 2
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Help Wanted — Operations Guru
Would you know the difference between a ham radio contest and your elbow? Can you stand up and serve as inspiration for the CARC Members who know what a contest is but could use a bit of coaching when it comes to the nitty-gritty parts of understanding the rules, making the QSOs, and submitting a log. If so, Uncle Sam (aka Frank) Wants You. Send Frank a message. Cut and paste this one if you wish: Frank, I want to serve my ham radio club as the CARC Operations Guru.
Topic 5
Field Day 2025
Frank and Andrew have been passing eMails back and forth talking about how to more fully engage Club Members in the planning and decision making that goes along with staging a top-notch Field Day Operation. Club President Frank Mellott challenged club members to make a plan for how Field Day 2025 will be conducted. He solicited volunteers to step up. Two offers were received. Thank you for volunteering. They will present their plan at the February meeting.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday January 15, 2025
In-Person Meeting Information
The January 15, 2025 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 60 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Yada, Yada, Yada/
Topic 2
This is a bit of filler material. It is good information and your CARC Leadership Crew hopes that you will take interest.
Several of the Club Leaders are enthusiastic advocates of getting on the air. All in all, that is the reason ham radio exists. One in particular wants you to get on the air during contests. When the contest ends that is your cue to visit and post your results. At the end of each business quarter our enthusiastic advocate will run a data query to see which of the CARC Members spent some time in the Contest Chair and tabulate the results. There is bound to be a prize in there someplace.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Are You Thinking of Operating in the Winter Field Day?
We all know that the ARRL June Field Day is a big event on our annual calendar. I encourage you to keep your contesting skills sharp. Do not let yourself become a rusty relic. Stay in practice. WFD takes place January 25 and 26, 2025. This event has been re-designed to more closely align with the spirit of Emergency Preparedness and less like a contest. Be sure to review the 2025 rules which can be found by visiting and poking the proper places on the top menu bar.
Topic 5
January is a Great Month to Pay Your Membership Dues.
January is the month in which your CARC Membership should be renewed by paying annual dues. February is good month and our Membership Secretary still welcomes your renewal. March 31 brings us to the end of the grace period. It would be great if you could complete this task before the end of March.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
LUMINARY LIGHTING: Friday December 27, 2024
Current Status: We are GOOD for GO.
CARC takes pride in supporting the communities in which we live. For several years one of our activities involves taking our turn at lighting the luminaries that surround Children’s Lake in Boiling Springs, PA.
Topic 1
Who ?
Volunteer Members of the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club as well as any friends and family members who wish to tag along.
Topic 2
Where ?
Children’s Lake in Boiling Springs, PA. The otherwise vacant parking lot at the Boiling Springs Tavern is our meeting place. Look for the familiar faces of your fellow club members.
Topic 3
When ?
CARC signed up for Friday December 27, 2024. We begin our service in late afternoon while the sun is still illuminating the lakeside where we perform our work. Volunteers arrive about 3:30 p.m. to receive their assignment from Garry Fasick, K3EYK. We typically form teams of two members with each team lighting about 100 luminaries. The work usually is completed by 5:00 p.m.
Topic 4
Why ?
Community Service is a labor of love. And we know our work is appreciated based on the lovely Thank You note we received from the head of the Civic Association — shown below.
To my amazing volunteers, I am so very grateful to each of you and your teams. You are all integral to the success of the luminaries every year. I get so many comments about how beautiful the candles are, how we live in a Norman Rockwell painting, a Hallmark movie, how the luminaries are something people come from all around to see. We are all blessed to live in a place where our neighbors value our work and the traditions we love. Thank you all so very much.
Rachel Andreoli
HOLIDAY BRUNCH: Sunday December 15, 2024
Current Status: We now have a date, time, and place.
Our annual Holiday Gathering (aka “Brunch”) will take place at TJ Rockwell’s, 896 W. Grantham Road, Mechanicsburg, PA on Sunday December 15, 2024 with seating at 11:00 a.m. Please arrive a few minutes beforehand so that we can be seated together at the same time.
Topic 1
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 2
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
The restaurant will set the same number of places at the table as we tell them we are going to have as guests. An accurate head-count is the key to a pleasant dining experience. I will communicate our needs to you and ask that you make a commitment that can be shared with the Restaurant Staff. Frank requested you notify him of your planned attendance or regrets by Sunday December 01, 2024.
If you have not already signed-up, please e-Mail Club President Frank Mellott at: Tell him the names of those in your party who will be attending.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday December 18, 2024
This event is a GO. CARC will hold a December Zoom non-meeting on the third Wednesday of December beginning at 6:30 p.m. and lasting about one hour, maybe two hours. This Zoom ONLY non-meeting will be completely informal. Other than the few brief topics mentioned below, there will be no meeting agenda, no reports, and no business will be conducted. Simply general conversation among the attendees.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web non-meeting, please eMail Andrew Forsyth, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. he will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Show and Tell
How are things in your part of the world? Are your holiday plans coming together? Have you finished decorating and wrapping?
Topic 2
Hors d’Oeuvres (BYO)
Your editor will prepare a few recipes with a seasonal flair. You are encouraged to try these taste tempting morsels, or to tell us about what you prepared in your kitchen.
Topic 3
Cocktail Hour — Open Bar (BYO)
Your editor will leave no stone unturned in his quest for interesting cocktail recipes to present during this audience participation segment of our December meeting.
For those who are not quite as adventuresome, you may wish to stock your bar with Yuengling Lager, or Pabst Blue Ribbon. If the weather is cold you may wish to consider a mug of hot cocoa, or a proper cup of coffee from a copper kettle. If you cannot have a proper cup of coffee then have a cup of tea.
Topic 4
Please use this as your opportunity to send me any additional topics you wish to include.
Otherwise, we will go directly to Topic 5 — CARC Karaoke.
Topic 5
Holiday Sing Along -or- CARC Karaoke
I will try to have the words to some traditional holiday tunes at my fingertips in case anyone feels like having a sing along. Are you ready for Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas, Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses, Rusty Chevrolet by Da Yoopers, and Christmas at Ground Zero by Weird Al Yankovich?
NEWS FLASH — The lyrics for the four selections mentioned above have been posted in the MEMBER AREA > MEMBER HOME PAGE under the HOT TOPICS heading as a PDF. Please enjoy.
As if that was not enough, who could let this day pass without a rousing rendition of Linus and Lucy, the jazz piano song, by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, that is featured in A Charlie Brown Christmas. If you don’t know the words feel free to hum along. (You are safe — there are no words.)
Topic 6
Door Prize Drawing
Hmmm. We end each regular meeting with a door prize drawing. Let’s do the same for our December 2024 non-meeting. Your Zoom non-meeting host will enter the names of each person who appears on the Zoom Gallery view and conduct a random drawing.
I don’t know whether the prize selections will be lavish or ho-hum. It is the thought that counts. The folks at the lottery have a saying that is applicable here — You can’t win if you don’t play. Come Play With Us.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday November 20, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The November 20, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Boiling Springs Luminary Lighting
Garry Fasick K3EYK may have an update for us.
Topic 2
Election of Club Officers for 2025
What if there were no expressions of interest and no nominations for elected officers?
Topic 3
Home, Indoor, Outdoor
If those words sound familiar then perhaps you are the type of person who enters the annual WINTER FIELD DAY contest. Let’s have a bit of discussion and planning around the event. In terms or operating your ham radio, IF YOU REST, YOU RUST.
Topic 4
Something to do with Field Day 2025
The Field Day 2025 committee of three intends to give its presentation with recommendation for the club’s Field Day 2025 operations.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday October 16, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The October 16, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Presentation about the National Traffic System
We have a presentation as big part of tonight’s meeting agenda. Valli Hoski, N8QVT has a few words to say on the topic.
Let’s toss a few vocabulary words on the table: QND, QNI, QTC. QRV?
Topic 2
Contesting Recap
The Pennsylvania QSO Party took place on October 12th and 13th, 2024. CARC entered as K3IEC, Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter, Portable, Low Power, York County. How did we do?
Topic 3
Community Service Recap
The Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade will take place on Saturday October 19, 2024. CARC Members provide communications support for the Parade Chairperson and the Parade Marshals. How do you think we will do?
Topic 4
Slate of Candidates for 2025 Club Offices
Nominate your selection of candidates for elected club office — President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. Express you interest in voluntarily serving your club as Membership Secretary. Nominations close at the end of tonight’s meeting.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday September 18, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The September 18, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Pennsylvania QSO Party Preparation
This popular event is on the calendar for the SECOND FULL WEEKEND OF OCTOBER (Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13, 2024). Frank is fishing for any indication of who has an interest in participating as part of this event. In prior year’s the Club staged a Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter Portable operation. We are still looking for a place where such an event can be held. Your suggestions are invited. Club Members certainly can operate from home using their own call sign and contribute to a CLUB AGGREGATE score. Details will be shared as they become available. eMail suggestions to Subject: PA QSO PARTY
Topic 2
Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade Preparation
This popular event is on the calendar for the THIRD FULL WEEKEND OF OCTOBER (Saturday October 19, 2024. Harry K3EYL is the CARC Contact Person for this event. If you are able to participate please let Harry know. eMail Similarly, if you have questions, Harry is the best resource. We have other members who may have the information you are requesting. eMail Subject: Farmers Fair
Topic 3
In Search of Club Leadership Candidates for 2025
Please bring forward your nominations, and/or self-expressions of interest. You can do it. All nominations are due by the end of the October 2024 meeting. The waiting line is short right now. Don’t wait to the last minute. Voting for contested offices takes place at the November 20, 2024 meeting.
Topic 4
Holiday Gathering
The world has changed and perhaps we need to change with the world. Please make your participation interest known. Likewise, if your interest trends in the opposite direction please let us know. It is better that we know where our members and guests stand on this important topic. eMail Subject: Holiday Gathering
Topic 5
CARC 60th Anniversary Special Event and Picnic
Saturday September 21, 2024 at Ponderosa Park in Franklintown/Dillsburg. Estimated 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Times are somewhat flexible. If the weather is nice, stay a little longer. Sunset that evening is at 7:06 p.m.
Topic 6
Yada Yada Yada
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday August 21, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The August 21, 20242 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Special Event — Honoring the National Railway Historic Society Convention in Harrisburg
Operate as K3IEC on Saturday August 24, 2024 from 0000 UTC through 2359 UTC.
Topic 2
State QSO Parties. Practice Now for a Better FD 2025
Each month we will dedicate a portion of the meeting to on-the-air activities including contesting. Upcoming State QSO Parties in the next few weeks include Hawaii and Ohio on August TBD, Texas on September TBD, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Washington State on September TBD, and Maine September TBD. Our goal is to strengthen our contesting skills needed for Field Day through regular practice in other contests where there are similarities among the procedures.
Topic 3
Special Event — CARC 60th Anniversary
Family Picnic at Ponderosa Park, 1147 South Mountain Road, Franklintown (Dillsburg Mailing Address).
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday July 17, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The July 17, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Field Day 2024 Preliminary Results
If we knuckle-down and keep our nose to the grindstone I think we can report our results as part of the July meeting.
Topic 2
The Operations Guru Concept
We are looking for Leaders to step up and be an energetic part of what makes the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club one of the best ham radio clubs you are likely to find.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
PA QSO Party
It will be October before you know it. Do we have interested parties who want to shoot for another First Place Win in our favorite category?
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday June 19, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The June 19, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Field Day 2024 Club Activity Finalization
A lot of work remains to finalize the station equipment profiles so that each CARC FD Participant knows what he or she offered to provide and that the offered gear will be put to good use.
Topic 2
Field Day 2024 Individual Member Activity Finalization
If you are not able to participate as part of the CARC Class 3A portable operation at Shaffer Park then we invite you to operate from your home as Class D (Home, commercial power) or Class E (Home, emergency power). Those who do operate from home as encouraged to contribute your results toward the CARC CLUB AGGREGATE SCORE. We encourage you to ask questions about any unfamiliar aspects of
Topic 3
Field Day 2024 Bonus Points
Some discussion of the Bonus Points that are available to Participating Stations. Maybe we should focus on the BIG STUFF first…. what type of radio equipment and antennas will we be using.? Do we have Operators for those stations?
Topic 4
Field Day 2024 Entry Submission to ARRL
If you operate from home with the intent of contributing to our CLUB AGGREGATE SCORE, this is your To-Do item. For Field Day Reporting purposes, the name of our club is CUMBERLAND ARC Spelling Counts.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday May 15, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The May 15, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Planning and Preparation for Field Day 2024
You probably know we traditionally operate from Shaffer Park in Carlisle. We still need to plan how and where the station components will come together — transceivers, accessories, antennas, operators.
Topic 2
Sign-Up for Field Day Attendance and Participation
If you use the website version of the Meeting Agenda you will find a link to the Google Sheet Field Day 2024 Planner. Under the WHO tab is a place where you can tell us your plans for participating. Club Leadership is looking for whether or not you will be attending. And, if you are attending, will you be staying in the park overnight. (Editor’s Note: I am going to add a place in the Google Sheet where regrets can be entered.)
Topic 3
Sign-Up for Field Day Meal Planning Purposes
We take pleasure in feeding our participants. We offer Saturday Mid-day Lunch, Saturday Evening Supper, and Sunday Morning Breakfast. If you anticipate being on-site around those mealtimes please go on record so that our Chef can plan accordingly.
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday April 17, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The April 17, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
CARC Derby Day
Saturday May 4, 2024 at Pine Grove Furnace State Park.
Topic 2
A Lot More Field Day Planning
The Field Day Planner is online as a Google Sheet. A Shared Link to the sheet was published in the March 2024 Meeting Agenda.
Topic 3
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 4
Status of our ARRL Affiliated General Liability Insurance
The policy has been renewed.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday March 20, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The March 20, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
St. Patrick’s Day
Three days prior to our March 2024 meeting was St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t expect to find any green bagels or green beer at tonight’s meeting. However, there may be some shamrocks and perhaps a pot of gold. The last person seated for the meeting will be called upon for the ceremonial wearing o’ the green.
Topic 2
Where do we stand with our ARRL Affiliated Club General Liability Insurance?
Our current policy expires April 1 and is in need of a renewal.
Topic 3
Field Day Planner
We will continue the topic that began its life in the February meeting agenda. If you plan to attend and participate this is the time to sign up. We have a Google Sheet and CARC Members can have the access link just for asking. Contact as mention the keywords GOOGLE SHEET LINK FIELD DAY PLANNER.
Topic 4
Derby Day at Pine Grove Furnace
There will be some Parks On The Air activity as well as State QSO Parties. Food was mentioned.
Topic 5
Road Map to the Future
We have Team Members who have been preparing a road map of how to ensure that the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club continues to thrive into the future.
Topic 6
CARC 60th Anniversary Events
Some club members celebrated the 30th anniversary in 1994. Here we are on the eve of our 60th anniversary in 2024. Unless you plan to celebrate our 120th anniversary in the year 2084 this will be your chance to plan a big wing-ding with a lot of razz-ma-taz and whoop-de-doo. Make it so, Number One.
MEETING TOPICS: February 21, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The February 21, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Quick References page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Next Actions: CARC 60th Anniversary and The Future of CARC
The planning committees have been asked to present their plans.
Topic 2
Membership Renewal 2024
Renewals have been coming in at a record pace. Membership Secretary Richard Johnson, N3EPY, has been working his fingers to the bone. He stands ready to receive your $10 cash or check annual dues payment. Andrew Forsyth stands ready to process your $10 dues + $1 convenience fee ($11 total) credit card payment. See Andrew at the meeting or eMail and ask that Andrew send you a SQUARE Payment invoice.
Topic 3
Winter Field Day Recap
Frank Mellott, KB3PQT, may have news to report describing the massive outpouring of Winter Field Day participation among CARC Members.
Topic 4
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 5
Yada, Yada, Yada.
Topic 6
Yada, Yada, Yada.
MEETING TOPICS: Wednesday January 17, 2024
In-Person Meeting Information
The January 17, 2024 meeting will be held in the Hoss’s Restaurant Meeting Room located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA
Those who wish to eat their evening meal prior to the meeting should arrive about 5:15 p.m. and place their food order.
Our In-Person Meeting begins at 6:40 p.m. and will use the shortened 75 minute format with an ending time about 7:55 p.m.
The restaurant will close at 8:30 p.m. We should have packed our stuff and departed the building prior to their closing time.
Zoom Web Meeting Information
We will offer a Zoom Web Meeting option in parallel to our In-Person Meeting at Hoss’s.
You may be able to connect to the Zoom Web Meeting Room as early at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a CARC Member you can find the Zoom Monthly Meeting ID and Passcode in the Member Links page — password protected.
If you are not yet a CARC Member, and if you would like to attend our Zoom Web Meeting, please contact Andrew Forsyth,
(eMail to:, introduce yourself, and express your interest in attending the Zoom Web Meeting. He will provide you the ID and Password.
Topic 1
Introducing the new wireless microphones
We will have two wireless microphones. One will be in the hands of the meeting leader. The other can be carried around the room to the audience member who wishes to speak.
Topic 2
Honoring the people who make great things happen. There may be some rewards… who knows?
Topic 3
Challenges Status
Volunteers On-The-Air Final Standings, Parks On The Air Updated Status, 3830 Scores Recap of 2023 Results.
Topic 4
Membership Renewal and Dues Payment
The start of a new year provides a fresh opportunity to demonstrate enthusiasm for your club. Membership Secretary Richard Johnson N3EPY will receive your $10 dues payment and issue your 2024 CARC Membership Card. Payment by Cash or Check can be accepted on-the-spot. We are equipped to process credit cards on-the-spot through the SQUARE payment processing platform and ask that you support our request for a $1 Convenience Fee which will offset our costs of offering this option.
If you are not able to attend one of our 2024 Cold Weather meetings (Jan, Feb, Mar) you are invited to mail your $10 check to Membership Secretary Richard Johnson N3EPY (callbook address). Or, we can send you (via eMail) a Square Payment Invoice for $10 Dues + $1 Convenience Fee, which you can pay from the comfort of your home. If this option appeals to you please contact website administrator Andrew Forsyth, AF3I to help assure the authenticity of our invoice and to safeguard your payment.
Topic 5
Yada Yada Yada
Topic 6
Yada Yada Yada
General Meeting Information
Members of the Cumberland Amateur Radio Club can find the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode in the MEMBER AREA of this website. That area is password protected. If you need access to the MEMBER AREA you will find its password on your CARC MEMBERSHIP CARD.
Visitors and Guests who have an interest in the Ham Radio hobby are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting. If that sounds like you, our Club President will tell you the Zoom ID and Passcode if you will e-Mail Andrew Forsyth using this address: and introduce yourself. Please say a few words about the ways in which Ham Radio interests you. In return, he will send you information about the next club meeting.
We almost always meet at the Hoss’s Steak and Sea House Restaurant located at 61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA (Upper Allen Township). Perhaps you think of this location as being next door to the Stauffer’s of Kissel Hill Garden Center.
The Events page will list the specific date, time and location of each upcoming meeting.
Mention RADIO CLUB MEETING at the entrance and you will be directed to our meeting room.
If you would enjoy the Hoss-pitality arrive about 5:15 p.m. for dinner (Dutch Treat). The Hoss’s staff will take your order and then serve the food in the meeting room. Soup, Salad Bar, Bread, and Desserts are in the main dining area.
We begin the business part of the meeting at 6:40 p.m. and plan to finish at 7:55 p.m.
A typical meeting includes welcoming our guests, general announcements, recognition for jobs well-done, a segment that reminds me of Show & Tell, customary business topics, a ham-radio activity, and a door prize drawing.
The meeting atmosphere tends to be light-hearted and tightly focused on the agenda.
You will meet other Ham Radio Operators and have ample opportunity to ask questions or seek advice. Our Members have many years of experience to share. Meeting attendance typically ranges from 12 to 16 persons.
Members, Family, Guests, and Visitors are Welcome to attend.
Address Information for Events
Monthly Meeting Location:
Hoss’s Restaurant
In-Person Meetings
Zoom Web Meetings continue for those who are not yet able to attend in-person.
61 Gettysburg Pike
Mechanicsburg, PA
(Upper Allen Township)
Holiday Brunch Venue:
T J Rockwell’s Restaurant
2024. YES. 2025 TBD.
Decision has been made.
We encourage participation. Let your experiences and recommendations be known.
896 West Grantham Road
Mechanicsburg, PA
Field Day Location:
Shaffer Park
We plan to be on-the-air from this location for FD 2024.
1649 Spring Road
Carlisle, PA
Thursday Morning Coffee Club:
Caffe 101
On the lake-front across from the Clock Tower.
Boiling Springs, PA
Alternate arrangements driven by weather and other factors.
Zoom Web Meeting
On your PC.
Wherever you are.